
Comparison of ACWR between hamstring and calf strain injury in Japan


Objectives: The objective of this study is to explore the difference in the Acute: Chronic Workload Ratio (ACWR) calculated from the Global Positioning System (GPS) to monitor external load between Hamstring Strain Injuries (HSIs) and Calf Strain Injuries (CSIs) in professional Japanese soccer players. 

Methods: We included a total of 14 cases diagnosed with HSIs and CSIs that occurred between the2020 and 2022 seasons (Figure 1). We collected data on age, playing position, injury location, days of absence, and GPS for field sessions, including Total Distance (TD), Distance covered at sprinting (>24 km/hr, SD), Distance covered at high speed (> 18 km/hr, HSRD), and Sprint times (ST). The ACWR was calculated using the Exponentially Weighted Moving Average model, with acute defined as 7 days and chronic as 28 days, including the acute 7 days. We categorized ACWR as high (>1.2) or low (<0.8). Statistical analysis was performed using the Fischer exact test, with significance set at p < 0.05.

Conclusions: Our findings suggest that the mechanisms of HSIs and CSIs may differ, with a relatively higher number of ACWR(HSRD) cases in HSIs and a higher number of low ACWR(SD) cases in CSIs. Further investigation is needed to better understand these differences.

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Hiroki Ukita

Hiroki Ukita, Japan

Hiroki Ukita

seirei hamamatsu general hospital

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