
Fate of the Contralateral Knee After Unilateral High Tibial Osteotomy


Background: No research has reported on the prognosis and risk factors related to the non-operated contralateral knee after unilateral high tibial osteotomy (HTO). 
Hypothesis/Purpose: The primary aim of this study was to assess radiologic parameters that affect OA progression and the need for surgery in the non-operated knee following unilateral HTO, with concurrent assessment of the operated knee. 
Study Design: Case series; Level of evidence, 4.
Methods: From July 2000 to September 2021, 231 patients with knee OA who underwent unilateral HTO were retrospectively investigated. Radiologic parameters, such as the Kellgren-Lawrence grade (K-L grade), hip-knee-ankle angle (HKAA), weight-bearing line ratio (WBLR), joint line convergence angle (JLCA), and joint line obliquity angle were assessed preoperatively and postoperatively from 1 to 4 years. OA progression was defined as an increase in K-L grade. Clinical failure or surgery was defined as undergoing joint replacement or osteotomy. 
Results: Postoperatively higher WBLR (P = .030) and smaller JLCA (P = .008) in the operated knee were significant risk factors for undergoing surgery in the non-operated knee. Postoperatively smaller JLCA (P = .051) in the operated knee was a marginally significant risk factor for OA progression in the non-operated knee. Postoperatively larger JLCA (P = .030) in the operated knee was a significant risk factor for clinical failure in the operated knee, whereas HKAA and WBLR were not. Pre- and postoperative changes in JLCA needed to be less than -0.75° (P = .004) and greater than -4.1° (P = .004) to reduce OA progression in both knees.
Conclusion: Increased postoperative valgus alignment and medial joint opening in the operated knee after unilateral HTO were associated with a higher risk of surgery and osteoarthritis progression in the non-operated knee. A small medial joint opening in the operated knee was associated with a higher risk of clinical failure in the operated knee. For a balanced medial joint opening, if the pre- and postoperative changes in JLCA were between -4.1° and -0.75°, a favorable prognosis for OA progression in both knees could be anticipated. 

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SNUH Group

Geunwu Gimm

Medical Doctor

Seoul National University College of Medicine


Hyunjun Ji

Medical Doctor

Partner Orthopaedic Clinic, Seoul, Korea

Du Hyun Ro

Du Hyun Ro

Associate Professor, Medical Doctor

Seoul National University, Seoul National University Hospital, CONNECTEVE Co., Ltd.

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Medical Doctor

SNU Seoul Hospital, Seoul, Korea


Sungwan Kim


Seoul National University, Seoul National University Hospital

Hyuk-Soo Han

Hyuk-Soo Han

Professor, Medical Doctor

Seoul National University, Seoul National University Hospital

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