
A fully customised 3D-printed system for high tibial osteotomy


With the coming together of advances in 3D digital planning and additive metal manufacturing technology personalised, or patient-specific, HTO has now become a practical reality. The purpose of the current study was to assess the accuracy and maintenance of the correction of coronal alignment and patients-reported outcomes (PROMs) of a new fully personalised system (TOKA) for valgus high tibial osteotomy (HTO) in patients with medial osteoarthritis (OA) and varus knee at two years of follow up. The system included 3D planning software, and customised cutting guide, and securing devices. The results showed accurate correction in terms of alignment and excellent clinical results at 1- and 2-years of follow up. The achieved correction was maintained at 2-years follow up, and the patient reported outcomes significantly improved over time.

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Giacomo Dal Fabbro


Orthopaedic Surgeon

Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute - University of Bologna, Italy

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