
ESMA ACL Prevention Warm-up Exercise Video 1


Studies performed in the United States of America and Scandinavian countries since the early 2000 show that certain exercises used also as warmup sessions can reduce the risk of an ACL injury by 50to 60%. These exercises include balance, strength, speed, and plyometrics (jumping).

Combining these exercises is mandatory in order to reduce the risk of knee injuries and keep athletes active instead of injured.
In the past especially professional athletes had already been trained, according to these types of exercises. But the main population of athletes has not yet been part of the risk reducing approach.

The European Society for Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery, and Arthroscopic (ESSKA) is about to change this.
We composed three sets of exercises based on research and experience from the United States, Norway, and the Netherlands from the past 10 to 15 years in order to reduce the risk of knee injuries. These 3 sets of exercises are correspond to levels in order of progression.
(Try to) Use them regularly and frequently as warming up in your sports activities in order to reduce the risk of injuries.


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